Our family and the Stotts went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house last Saturday. Since it was the last weekend of the open house, they had 18,000 people go through the temple that day. The kids thought it was really neat. Around every corner, as we saw another picture of Jesus, Lacey would exclaim, "There's Jesus."
This is waiting to go in to the temple.

Here are the girls and Kylee posing. They are a little young to realize they are posing like Charlie's Angels.

Angel Moroni was struck by lightning. They will fix him after the open house and before the dedication.

Here is a group shot of our family and the Stotts.
We went up the same day! It sure was beautiful. You have such a cute family. It's funny because we really don't live that far away from each other but it seems like we do...our paths never seem to cross! Are you excited for school to start or what? I sure am.